Fashion Wok-Foster City Restaurant Menu Prices

Modern dining space featuring Chinese mains & individual hot pots, plus cocktails & waterside seats.

  4.3 – 367 reviews  $$ • Chinese restaurant

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Lunch – Lunch Specials 特价午餐
Orange Chicken 午餐陈皮鸡
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Chicken W/Cashew Nuts 午餐腰果鸡丁
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Kung Pao Chicken 午餐宫保鸡丁
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Red Curry Chicken 午餐咖喱鸡
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Pork W/Leek& Dried Tofu 午餐韭菜香干炒肉丝
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Pork Stir Fry Green Bean Sprouts 午餐银牙小炒
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Pork In Garlic Sauce 午餐鱼香肉丝
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Shrimp W/ Cashew Nuts 午餐腰果虾仁
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Sweet & Sour Shrimp W/Pineapple 午餐菠萝咕咾虾
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Cashew & Shrimp W/Vegetables 午餐锦绣鲜虾小炒
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Shrimp Or Chicken & Bamboo Shoots W/ Black Pepper Sauce 竹笋黑椒虾 /鸡
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Kung Pao Shrimp 午餐宫保虾
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Loofah Melon W/Egg 午餐丝瓜毛豆炒鸡蛋
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Special Garlic Lamb 午餐青蒜羊肉
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Sour Cabbage Stir Fry Beef 午餐客家酸菜炒牛肉
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Lamb W/Green Onion 午餐京葱爆肥羊
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Beef W/Broccoli 午餐芥蓝牛肉
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Fire Burst Mongolian Beef 午餐蒙古牛肉
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Cumin W/Lamb 午餐孜然羊肉
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Shredded Potato W/ Hot Sour Sauce 午餐酸辣土豆丝
Served with mix vegetable and rice
String Beans &Eggplant W/Soy Sauce 午餐农家豆角烧茄子
Served with mix vegetable and rice
Lunch – Steam Rice 米饭
Steam Rice 米饭
1 Order Steam Rice
Menu – Hot Pot 台式精品小火锅
Sichuan High Wok 四川High锅
Pork Shrimp Spam Vermicelli Pork Blood Tripe Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Fashion Wok 食尚浓汤锅
Beef Pork Shrimp Instant Noodle Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushroom
Pirates Miso Wok 海盗味曾锅.
Pork Udon Shrimp Clam Quail Egg Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Secret Lamb Wok 贵妃羊肉锅
Lamb Vermicelli Mushroom Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Spices Satay Beef Wok 九龙沙茶牛肉锅
Beef Shrimp Mushroom Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Fisherman Kimchi Wok 韩式泡菜锅
Pork Octopus Kimchi Rice Cake Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Queen Milky Wok 美白牛奶锅
Beef Mussels Clams Rice Cake Taro Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Grandma Curry Wok 外婆咖喱锅
Beef Carrots Mushrooms Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Vegetarian Wok 番茄时蔬锅
Tomato quail egg taro mushroom Udon vegetable carrot Tofu cabbage corn enoki mushroom Broccli Snow Beas
Korean Army Wok 韩国部队锅
Taiwanese Sausage Spam Hot Sausage Instant Noodle Cheese Egg Tomato Mushrooms Tofu Onion Pepper Rice Cake Bean Sprouts
Street Style Beef Wok 街边牛肉锅
Beef .Tomato. Potato .Vermicelli .Onion .Bean Curd Rolls. Corn Meatball. Potato Fishball. Fishcake . Crabmeat. Tempura. Tofu. Fish Tofu . Enoki Mushroom.
Five Star Fish Wok 巴蜀酸菜鱼锅
Fish Fillet Sour Cabbage Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Taiwan Stinky Tofu Wok 台湾臭臭锅
Pork Pepper Pork Blood Mushroom Stinky Tofu Pork Intestine Bok Choy
Bandit Spicy Duck Wok 土匪辣鸭锅
Roasted Duck. Dates. Medlar. Potato Vermicelli Bean Curd Rolls. Corn meatball Potato fishball Fishcake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushroom
Grassland Whole Lamb Wok 丐帮全羊锅
Lamb Tofu Vermicelli Bean Curd Rolls Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Sea Food Wok 过桥海鲜锅
Shrimps Fish Squid Clamp Mussel Crab Octopus Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushrooms
Fashion Wok 食尚浓汤锅
Beef Pork Shrimp Instant Noodle Corn Meatballs Potato Fish Balls Fish Cake Crabmeat Tempura Tofu Fish Tofu Enoki Mushroom
Menu – Juice 果汁
Fresh Watermelon Juice 鲜榨西瓜汁 $3.75
Fresh Strawberry Juice 鲜榨草莓汁 $4.75
Mango Juice 芒果汁 $4.75
Orange Juice 柳橙汁 $4.75
Apple Juice 苹果汁 $3.75
Menu – Milky Juice 鲜果奶汁
Papaya Milky Juice 木瓜牛奶汁 $4.75
Strawberry Milky Juice 草莓牛奶汁 $4.75
Avocado Milky Juice 牛油果奶汁 $4.75
Watermelon Milky Juice 西瓜牛奶汁 $4.75
Red Bean Milky Juice 红豆牛奶汁 $4.75
Banana Milky Juice 香蕉牛奶汁 $4.75
Menu – Tea (Cold / Hot) 奶茶
Honey Grapefruit Tea 蜂蜜柚子茶 $4.25
Passion Fruit Black Tea 百香果红茶 $3.25
Mango Black Tea 芒果红茶 $3.25
Handcraft Milk Tea 手工奶茶 $3.25
Mango Milk Tea 芒果奶茶 $4.25
Strawberry Milk Tea 草莓奶茶 $4.25
Taro Milk Tea 香芋奶茶 $4.25
Menu – Soft Drink
Coke 可乐 $1.75
Diet Coke 可乐 $1.75
Lemon Lime Soda
Herbal Tea 加多宝 $2.20
Menu – Shaved Snow Ice 绵绵冰
Mango Snow Ice 芒果绵绵冰 $4.75
Green Tea Snow Ice 绿茶绵绵冰 $4.75
Taro Snow Ice 芋头绵绵冰 $4.75
Strawberry Snow Ice 草莓绵绵冰 $4.75
Menu – Desserts 甜品
Sesame Glutinous Rice Ball 手工豆沙麻团 $6.75
Special Dates W/Sweet Sauce 笑口常开 $9.75
Menu – Skewers 新疆烧烤
Lamb Skewer 羊肉串 $6.25
Beef Skewer 牛肉串 $6.25
Pig Feet Skewer 烤猪蹄 $8.25
Taiwan Sausage Skewer 台湾香肠 $6.75
Shrimp Skewer 大虾 $5.25
Chicken Skewer 鸡肉串 $6.25
Chicken Heart Skewer 鸡心 $6.25
Chicken Gizzard Skewer 鸡胗 $6.25
Chicken Skin Skewer 鸡皮 $6.25
Chicken Gristle Skewer 骨肉相连 $6.25
Enoki Mushroom Skewer 金针菇 $7.25
Green Bean Skewer 四季豆 $6.25
Menu – BBQ Fish 诸葛烤鱼
Numbing & Spicy BBQ Whole Fish 食尚麻辣烤鱼 $34.75
Pickled Chili Pepper W/BBQ Whole Fish 食尚双色泡椒烤鱼 $34.75
Traditional BBQ Whole Fish 传统酱香烤鱼 $34.75
BBQ Whole Fish W/Chili Pepper 藤椒鲜辣烤鱼 $34.75
Menu – Snack & Appetizers 小吃
Salt &Pepper Chicken 盐酥鸡 $9.75
Deep Fried Stinky Tofu 酥炸臭豆腐 $6.75
Pan Cake Wrap W/Beef 牛肉卷饼 $10.75
Hand Made Shrimp &Chive Dumplings 手工三鲜水饺 $9.75
Hand Made Pork Dumplings 手工猪肉水饺 $9.75
Taiwanese Deep Fried Pork Chop 台式炸排骨 $8.75
Scallion Pan Cake 葱油饼 $7.75
Pan -Fried Jumbo Chive Pockets With Baby Shrimps 韭菜盒子 $8.75
Menu – Country Style Iron Pots 农家麻辣香锅
Spare Ribs In Iron Pot 农家香锅小排骨 $15.75
Cauliflower In Iron Pot 农家香锅花菜 $14.75
Spicy Frog In Iron Pot 农家香锅牛蛙 $26.75
Iron Pot Pork Feet 农家香锅香锅猪手 $16.75
Spicy Shrimp In Iron Pot 农家香锅虾 $15.75
Iron Pot Cabbage With Sausage 农家香锅包心菜 $13.75
Spicy Chicken In Iron Pot 农家香锅竹笋鸡 $14.75
Menu – Country Style Hot Pots 土家铁锅
Iron Pot Sour Cabbage W/Lamb Pork Ribs 客家酸菜一锅出 $17.75
Pork Tripe W/White Pepper Chicken Soup 胡椒猪肚煲鸡 $18.75
Yellow Croaker & Tofu W/Hot & Sour Soup 醋椒黄鱼炖豆腐 $16.75
Iron Pot Chicken W/Mushroom 铁锅土鸡炖蘑菇 $18.75
Menu – Country Style Stone Pots 土家石锅
Braised Yellow Croaker W/Fried Pork 湘西黄鱼炖酥肉 $15.75
Numbing & Spicy Lamb W/Vermicelli 藤椒小肥羊 $16.75
Braised Egg Pancake W/Vermicelli 土家蛋饼炖粉条 $13.75
Spicy Lamb Hot Stone Pot 湘锅羊肉 $20.75
Crab Meat &Tofu In Hot Stone Pot 蟹黄豆花 $13.75
Beef Sliced In Hot Stone Pot 石锅小肥牛 $15.75
Tofu & Chicken Mushroom W/Seafood 八珍豆腐煲 $16.75
Menu – Iron Pan Dishes 铁板
Iron Pan Eggplant W/Meat Sauce 铁板烧汁茄子 $14.75
Iron Pan Black Pepper Beef 铁板黑椒牛肉 $14.75
Iron Pan Fish Fillet W/Mushroom 铁板冬菇焖龙利 $15.75
Iron Pan Shrimp &Tofu W/Garlic Sauce 铁板鲜虾豆腐 $14.75
Menu – Seafood 海鲜类
Spicy Fish Fillet W/Flaming Red Oil 农家大碗水煮鱼 $20.75
Spicy Lobster Noodle 麻辣龙虾伊面 $69.25
Salt And Pepper Lobster 椒盐南瓜 $69.25
Lobster In Abalone Sauce 鲍汁焗 $69.25
Fried Lobster With Garlic 避风塘 $69.25
Crab In Squash With Salted Egg 蛋黄南瓜焗 $59.75
Fried Crab With Garlic 避风塘 $59.75
Crab With Spicy Sauce 香辣蟹 $59.75
Crab With Ginger And Scallion 葱姜焗 $59.75
Steamed Whole Fish W/Ginger & Scallion 清蒸鱼 $39.75
Fried Frog W/Spicy Sauce 馋嘴牛蛙 $26.75
Shrimp W/Cashew Nuts 腰果虾仁 $15.75
Fried Fish Fillet W/Salt Pepper 椒盐鱼片 $15.75
Sweet &Sour Shrimp W/Pineapple 菠萝咕咾虾 $16.75
Cashew &Shrimp W/Vegetables 锦绣鲜虾小炒 $14.75
Steamed Loofah Melon W/Shrimp 鲜虾蒸丝瓜 $14.75
Salted Egg W/Shrimp &Tofu 咸蛋黄虾仁扒豆腐 $14.75
Fish Fillet W/Sour Cabbage &Tofu 小厨酸菜豆花鱼 $20.75
Steamed Fish Fillet W/Chopped Pepper 剁椒蒸鱼柳 $17.75
Kong Pao Scallops 宫保干贝 $18.75
Kung Pao Shrimp 宫保虾球 $15.75
Dice Seafood W/Bun 翡翠海鲜松 $14.75
Honey Walnut Shrimp 核桃虾 $17.75
Special Fried Garlic W/Scallops 避风塘干贝 $18.75
Menu – Beef Lamb 牛肉羊肉
Beef Spam Pork Intestine Fish W/Spicy Sauce 山城毛血旺 $20.75
Special Garlic Lamb 青蒜羊肉 $15.75
Mongolian Toothpick Lamb 草原牙签羊肉 $15.75
Lamb W/Green Onion 京葱爆肥羊 $13.75
Lamb W/Chopped Pepper 湘西小椒羊肉 $15.75
Cumin W/Lamb 孜然羊肉 $14.75
Numbing Spicy Original Lamb 土家湘辣生爆羊 $15.75
Egg & Leek Stir Fry Beef 滑蛋韭菜炒牛肉 $14.75
Sour Cabbage Stir Fry Beef 客家酸菜炒牛肉 $14.75
Basil W/Garlic Beef 九层塔牛柳 $13.75
Beef W/Broccoli 芥蓝牛肉 $12.75
Fire Burst Mongolian Beef 蒙古牛肉 $12.75
Chef’S Special Beef Tenderloin 香麻牛肉粒 $18.75
Cashew Nut &Beef Tenderloin W/ Garlic Sauce 鱼香腰果牛肉粒 $18.75
Menu – Pork Chicken 猪肉鸡肉
Special Pork Bone 特色酱大骨 $14.75
Chicken W/Soy Sauce 土家油淋鸡 $14.75
Chicken W/Cashew Nuts 腰果鸡丁 $14.75
Chicken W/Spicy Sauce 土家烧鸡公 $26.75
Xinjiang Spicy Chicken W/ Noodle 新疆大盘鸡 $18.75
Orange Chicken 陈皮鸡 $13.75
Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 $13.75
Red Curry Chicken 咖喱鸡煲 $12.75
Chicken Wing W/Explosive Chili Pepper 农家辣子鸡 $14.75
Fried Pork W/Soy Sauce 溜肉段 $15.75
Pork Stir Fry Green Bean Sprouts 银牙小炒 $12.75
Vermicelli W/Ground Meat 蚂蚁上树 $12.75
Country Style Sauteed Pork 农家小炒肉 $13.75
Chicken Leg Meat W/ Explosive Chili Pepper 富贵飘香鸡 $13.75
Braised Pork W/Dried Vegetables 农家干菜扣肉 $13.75
Pork & Eggplant W/Soy Sauce 肉片烧茄子 $13.75
Pork W/Leek&Dried Tofu 韭菜香干炒肉丝 $13.75
Fried Pork Ribs W/Explosive Chili Pepper 天府椒香骨 $18.75
Pork Intestine W/Explosive Chili Pepper 干煸肥肠 $15.75
Dry Braised Pepper Pork Feet 湘西双椒烧蹄花 $15.75
Pork Intestine W/Mushroom & Pepper 土家烧肥肠 $15.75
Stinky Tofu W/Pork Intestine 五更肠旺臭豆腐 $13.75
Menu – Vegetarian Dishes 时蔬类
Shredded Potato W/Hot Sour Sauce 酸辣土豆丝 $12.75
Sauteed Lotus W/Chili Pepper 农家小炒莲藕 $13.75
Mushroom &Bok Choy W/Garlic Sauce 冬菇油菜 $12.75
Soybean Seedling W/Garlic Sauce 蒜炒大豆苗 $16.75
String Beans &Eggplant W/Soy Sauce 农家豆角焖茄子 $12.75
Loofah Melon W/Egg 丝瓜毛豆炒鸡蛋 $12.75
Cabbage W/ Black Bean Pepper Sauce 小炒手撕包菜 $11.75
Pine Nuts W/Corn 松仁玉米 $13.75
Egg W/Leek &Dried Tofu 韭菜香干炒鸡蛋 $13.75
Fried Tofu W/Explosive Chili Pepper 重庆辣子豆腐 $13.75
Fried Tofu &Pine Nuts W/Orange Sauce 松仁豆腐 $13.75
A Choy W/Garlic 蒜炒A菜 $12.75
Menu – Fresh Soup 鲜美上汤
Seafood Soup 海鲜羹 $7.75
Corn &Egg Soup 玉米蛋花汤 $7.75
Sour Cabbage W/Lamb Soup 菜羊肉汤 $8.75
Hot & Sour Soup 酸辣汤 $6.75
Menu – Chow Mien 炒面
Egg & Mixed Vegetables Chow Mien 鸡蛋素炒面 $12.75
Satay Beef Chow Mien 沙茶牛肉炒面 $12.75
Spicy Combination Chow Mien 辣妹子炒面 $12.75
Pork Chop W/Garlic Chow Mien 猪排蒜香炒拉面 $12.75
Menu – Chow Fun 河粉
Chow Fun W/Beef & Soy Sauce 干炒牛河 $12.75
Chow Fun W/ Egg & Shrimp 滑蛋虾炒牛河 $13.75
Menu – Rice Noodles 炒米粉
Soy Sauce Stir Fry Rice Noodle 江西炒米粉 $12.75
Spicy Combination Stir Fry Rice Noodle 辣妹子炒米粉 $13.75
Menu – Hot & Sour Vermicelli 酸辣粉
Hot & Sour Vermicelli W/Beef 牛肉酸辣粉 $12.75
Hot & Sour Vermicelli W/Spare Ribs 排骨酸辣粉 $11.75
Hot & Sour Vermicelli W/Lamb 羊肉酸辣粉 $13.75
Menu – Fried Rice Cake 炒年糕
Pork Fried Rice Cake 肉丝炒年糕 $12.75
Kimchi &Seafood Fried Rice Cake 辣白菜海鲜炒年糕 $13.75
Menu – Fried Noodles 炒粗面
Tomato Fried Thick Noodle 番茄鸡蛋炒粗面 $12.75
Shanghai Style Fried Thick Noodle 上海炒粗面 $12.75
Cumin Beef Fried Thick Noodle 新疆炒粗面 $12.75
Menu – Fried Rice 炒饭
Beef Fried Rice 牛肉炒饭 $11.75
Shrimp & Ham Fried Rice 扬州炒饭 $11.75
Vegetable &Egg Fried Rice 鸡蛋素炒饭 $11.75
Spicy Combination Fried Rice 辣妹子炒饭 $11.75
Menu – Noodle Soup 汤面
Braised Lamb Noodle Soup 红焖羊肉汤面 $14.75
Sichuan Beef Noodle Soup $12.75
Classic Beef Ramen Soup $12.75
Spare Ribs Noodle Soup $11.75
Menu – Rice Noodle Soup 米线
Seafood Rice Noodle Soup 云南浓汤米线 $12.75
Ground Pork & Sour Cabbage Rice Noodle Soup 云南小锅米线 $11.75
Pork Bone Rice Noodle Soup 红烧大骨米线 $12.75
Spicy Beef Rice Noodle Soup 香辣牛肉米线 $13.75
Menu – Steam Rice 米饭
Steam Rice 米饭
1 Order Steam Rice
Party Tray Menu – Pork Party Platter
211 Free Range Chicken With Soy Sauce (土家油淋鸡) $48.00
109 Chicken Egg Rolls (鸡春卷) $48.00
113 Taiwanese Deep Fried Pork Chop (台式炸排骨) $48.00
120 Spare Ribs In Iron Pot (农家香锅小) $48.00
121 Cauliflower In Iron Pot (农家香锅花) $48.00
125 Iron Pot Pork Feet (农家香锅猪) $48.00
128 Spicy Chicken In Iron Pot (农家香锅竹) $48.00
129 Iron Pot Pork Intestine (农家香锅肥) $48.00
139 Iron Pan Eggplant With Meat Sauce (铁板烧汁茄子) $48.00
210 Special Pork Bone (特色酱大骨) $48.00
213 Xinjiang Spicy Chicken With Noodle (新疆大盘鸡) $48.00
214 Chicken Wing With Explosive Chili Pepper (农家辣子鸡) $48.00
215 Pork Stir Fry Green Bean Sprouts (银牙小炒) $48.00
216 Vermicelli With Ground Meat (蚂蚁上树) $48.00
218 Country Style Sauteed Pork (农家小炒肉) $48.00
220 Pork And Eggplant With Sweet Soy Sauce (天津烧茄子) $48.00
221 Pork With Leek And Dried Tofu (非菜香干炒肉丝) $48.00
222 Hot And Spicy Tofu With Meat Sauce (麻婆豆腐) $48.00
223 Pork Intestine With Expolosive Chili Pepper (干煸肥肠) $48.00
224 Dry Braised Pepper Pork Feet (湘西双椒烧蹄花工) $48.00
225 Pork Instentine With Mushrooms (土家烧肥肠) $48.00
226 Stinky Tofu With Pork Instentine (五更肠旺臭豆腐) $48.00
227 Original Dry Fried Chicken Wings ( 小厨干烹鸡) $48.00
228 Orange Chicken (陈皮鸡) $48.00
229 Chicken Breast With Mixed Vegetables (蔬菜鸡) $48.00
230 String Beans With Chicken Breast (四季豆鸡) $48.00
231 Chickn With Black Bean Sauce (豆鼓鸡) $48.00
232 Broccoli With Chicken (芥蓝鸡) $48.00
233 Chicken With Black Bean Pepper Sauce (豉椒鸡) $48.00
234 Sesame Chicken (芝麻鸡) $48.00
235 Sweet And Sour Chicken (甜酸鸡) $48.00
236 Original Sweet And Sour Pork Ribs (老式糖醋排骨) $48.00
237 Chicken Beast With Cashew Nuts (腰果鸡片) $48.00
238 Chicken Breast With Hot Spicy Garlic Sauce (鱼香鸡柳) $48.00
239 Red Curry Chicken (咖喱鸡煲) $48.00
240 Chicken Leg Meat With Explosive Chili Pepper (富贵飘香鸡) $48.00
241 Fried Pork Ribs With Explosive Chili Pepper (天府香) $48.00
242 Mu Shu (木须鸡猪) $48.00
Party Tray Menu – Beef Party Platter
140 Iron Pan Black Pepper Beef $52.00
192 Special Garlic Lamb $52.00
193 Mongolian BBQ Lamb $52.00
194 Lamb With Green Onion $52.00
199 Lamb With Chopped Pepper $52.00
200 Numbing Spicy Original Lamb $52.00
243 Mu Shu Beef $52.00
243.A Mu Shu Shrimp $52.00
Party Tray Menu – Seafood Party Platter
100 Numbing And Spicy BBQ Whole Fish $54.00
101 Wereline Pickled Chili Pepper W/BBQ Whole Fish 111 $54.00
102 Traditional BBQ Whole Fish $54.00
103 BBQ Whole Fish With Chili Pepper $54.00
106 Tempura Shrimp $54.00
107 Salt & Pepper Calamari $54.00
122 Iron Pot Fish Fillet $54.00
126 Spicy Shrimp In Iron Pot $54.00
141 Iron Pan Shrimp And Tofu With Garlic Sauce $54.00
243 Mu Shu Beef $54.00
243 Mu Shu Shrimp $54.00
152 Spicy Fish Fillet W/Flaming Red Oil $54.00
155 Steamed Fish Fillet With Chopped Pepper $54.00
156 Dice Seafood With Bun $54.00
158 Fish Fillet With Explosive Chili Pepper $54.00
161 Shrimp With Cashew Nuts $54.00
162 Fried Fish Fillet With Salt Pepper $54.00
163 Sweet And Sour Shrimp With Pineapple $54.00
164 Cashew &Shrimp With Vegetables $54.00
165 Salted Egg With Shrimp And Tofu $54.00
166 Shrimp With Black Pepper Sauce $54.00
168 Honey Walnut Shrimp $54.00
169 Crispy Fish Fillet With Sweet And Sour Sauce $54.00
170 Shrimp And Chicken Snow Peas With Onion Sauce $54.00
171 Scallop And Steak With Black Pepper Sauce $54.00
172 Steak And Shrimp With Abalone Sauce $54.00
174 Orange Fish Fillet $54.00
Party Tray Menu – Beef Party Platter
180 String Beans With Beef $50.00
181 Beef With Black Bean Sauce $50.00
182 Beef With Black Bean Pepper Sauce $50.00
183 Sesame Beef $50.00
184 Beef And Tofu With Abalone Sauce $50.00
185 Beef With Mixed Vegetables $50.00
186 Kung Pao Beef $50.00
187 Beef With Green Onion $50.00
188 Cumin With Lamb $50.00
188 Cumin With Beef $50.00
189 Beef With Broccoli $50.00
190 Fire Burst Mongolian Beef $50.00
195 Sour Cabbage Stir Fry Beef $50.00
196 Basil With Garlic Beef $50.00
197 A Chef’s Special Steak $50.00
198 Cashew Nut & Steak With Garlic Sauce $50.00
201 Egg And Leek Stir Fry Beef $50.00
Party Tray Menu – Fried Rice Cake Party Platter
Pork Fried Rice Cake $50.00
Kimchi And Seafood Fried Rice Cake $50.00
Party Tray Menu – Vegetables Party Platter
108 Vegetable Spring Rolls $46.00
250 Shredded Potato With Hot Sour Sauce $46.00
251 Sauteed Lotus With Chili Pepper $46.00
252 Soybean Seedling W/Garlic Sauce $46.00
253 Loofah Melon With Egg $46.00
254 Numbing Spicy Cabbage $46.00
255 Egg With Leek And Dried Tofu $46.00
256 Fried Tofu With Explosive Chili Pepper $46.00
257 Fried Tofu And Pine Nuts With Orange Sauce $46.00
258 Choy With Garlic $46.00
259 Kung Pao Vegetables And Tofu $46.00
260 Basil And Garlic Tofu And Eggplant $46.00
261 Special Curry Tofu $46.00
262 Pine Nuts W/Com $46.00
263 String Beans &Eggplant W/Soy Sauce $46.00
Party Tray Menu – Chow Mein Party Platter
Chow Fun With Beef And Soy Sauce $36.00
276 Egg And Mixed Vegetables Chow Mien $36.00
277 Satay Bef Chow Mien $36.00
279 Pork Chop With Garlic Chow Mien $36.00
280 Numbing Spicy Mandarin With Noodle Meat Sauce $36.00
282 Mandarin Noodle And Chicken Beef Shrimp With Sweet Soy Sauc $36.00
295 Shanghai Style Fried Thick Noodle $36.00
296 Cumin Beef Fried Thick Noodle $36.00
278 Combination Chow Mien $38.00
Party Tray Menu – Fried Rice Party Platter
Beef Fried Rice $36.00
Shrimp And Ham Fried Rice $36.00
Vegetables And Egg Fried Rice $36.00
Combination Fried Rice $38.00
Steamed Rice Party Platter $15.00
Party Tray Menu – Chow Fun Party Platter
Chow Fun With Beef Egg And Shrimp $38.00
Chow Fun With Egg And Shrimp $38.00
Special Cold Dish Menu – Mains
401 Special Cold Dish (麻辣五香牛肉) $9.75
402 Numbing Spicy Beef (红油耳片) $8.75
403 Sliced Pork Ear In Red Chili Oil (麻辣鸡胗) $8.75
404 Chicken Feet W/Chili (泡椒凤爪) $8.75
405 Chicken Feet With Chili (红油肚丝) $8.75
406 Pig Tripe With Chili Sauce (麻辣牛筋) $8.75
407 Numbing Spicy Beef Tendon (口水鸡) $7.75
408 Steamed Chicken With Chili (红油百叶) $8.75
409 Beef Tripe In Chili Oil (凉拌肉皮冻 ) $7.75
410 Pigskin Jelly With Garlic (酥炸花生米) $6.99
411 Fried Crispy Peanuts With Salt (香麻海带丝) $6.99
412 Sea Weeds Salad (炝黄瓜条) $6.99
413 Bean Curd With Cucumber Salad (蒜泥黄瓜腐竹) $6.99
414 Fungus Salad (葱油木耳) $6.99
415 Lotus Root Salad (炝拌莲藕) $7.75
416 Shredded Potatoes Salad (凉拌土豆丝) $6.99
417 Spicy Bamboo Shoots Salad (红油笋丝 ) $7.75

… View more

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Contact Fashion Wok-Foster City Restaurant

Address: 929 A Edgewater Blvd, Foster City, CA 94404

Phone: (650) 358-8820


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